August 25, 2022 Training

August 24, 2022

Presenting and Teaching Online by Ivan Wanis Ruiz on SkillShare

Part on engaging people is holding them accountable for participating (communicate with them after the lesson)

Remind them that you’re expecting participation

Vary how and what you’re speaking about, how your sharing info (charts/videos)

Allow people to interact freely prior to starting to loosen them up and work out technical issues

Make talking slides

People can’t really read and listen at the same time. Minimize text on a slide (even if it means you have more slides) and give them time to read

The slides should emotionally and intellectually lead the learner

Aim for 70% you, 30% slides

Use icebreakers to get engagement and reengagement

How to Create an Online Course and be an Engaging Teacher by Jellis Vaes on SkillShare

Reasons for creating an online course: passive income generator, master a subject, build a community/following

Genuinely care about your students and what they’re supposed to get from you

Remember classes you’ve liked. Why did you like them? What did you not like? What are you bringing?

6 Creative Styles:

    Talking Heads – we like faces! Give yourself some space, and focus on the camera

    Slideshows — use varied text and images

    Demonstration – think cooking video

    Screencast – use a good mic, video if you can, and rehearse

    Video footage – shot separately and inserted (as b-roll often), can provide creditability

Animation – can be effective, but expensive

Combine styles! Provides variety, each offers something different

Script it. It takes time, but reduces time later

Consider using a teleprompter if doing talking heads

If not scripted, keep an outline nearby

Be specific, not verbose. Color code when possible. Be conversational

Common mistakes:

    Poor quality audio. This tops everything else

    Be engaging. Consider tone, volume, word choice

    Keep it simple. If it feels complicated, the learner won’t be able to understand it

An outside background can be distracting (movement of people, plants, etc.). Be mindful

Fake backgrounds, use a green screen

Be mindful of lighting

    Remember 3 point lighting – Key, fill, back

    When using natural light, avoid bright, direct light

Consider the SEO of your course description and listings

Create other content that promotes your courses

Visual Communication and Data Visualization by Bianca Carague on SkillShare

Step 1: Outline your goals

    What’s the primary question? Supporting Questions? Key elements (headers, facts, etc.)

Step 2: Collect data

    Verify that is answers your question

Step 3: Visualize the data

    Convey a single point per element

    Charts versus single data points versus illustrations

Step 4: Layout the visual elements

    Consider sequence, white space, etc.

Step 5: Consider visual style

    Colors, textures, elements, etc.