Design 101: Using Value Structure — A Useful Color Theory Tip by School of Motion
(def.) relative lightness or darkness of a hue
Too low of a difference between values can create a muddy and hard to read design, it lacks emphasis and hierarchy
Shade – add darkness to a hue
Tint – add lightness to a hue
To assess value, add a mosaic blur to the image or convert the image to black and white
Visual Communication Tips for E-Learning by E-Learning Uncovered
The “meta message”, what is being said without words
Graphic design is the art of moving things around until they look good
But good visual communication is not just about making things look nicer, it’s about saying something through how those things look
It’s okay to be a little literal here. If you’re talking about time, you could include a clock or a calendar.
Consider what the goal is, then choose the methods to reach that goal.
Consider where the gap in performance or knowledge is and try to fill it
Text is not the compelling way to say something in e-learning, aim for graphics or images when you can
Remember that regardless of what the stated goal is, you want to share information and have the users retain it, which means that it needs to be easy to identify and recall.
If you’re writing the content, then you should be trying to think visually too.
It can be beneficial to provide the example scenario first, because then the learner already has an anchor point to connect the info you provide later to.
E learning has to overcome the issue of not being able to connect the learner with the teacher directly, since there is no opportunity for interaction, asking questions, etc. Therefore, it has to be more interesting than a lesson you teach in person