November 12, 2020 Training

After Effects

Export File as H.264 MP4 (

File > Export > Add to Media Encoder Queue

Select Format from first dropdown menu, set Match Source – High Bitrate

Hit Play to start export

Rendering Options

  • Software Only: CPU is used to render effects
  • Mercury GPU Acceleration: GPU is used to render effects.

Note: GPU-accelerated effects may render with small color precision differences in an 8-bpc project when compared to CPU-only rendering. Set the project to 16-bpc or 32-bpc for accurate results.

Change the render-complete sounds

You can change the render-complete sounds by replacing files named rnd_okay.wav and rnd_fail.wav in the sounds folder. The sounds folder is in the following location:

  • Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2015\Support Files (Windows)

Different in AE Renderers give you different options

    Cinema 4D Lite comes with AE CC? Double Check. C4D gives options to turn illustrations into 3d objects, manipulate surfaces and edges

Lumas effect can be used for cell shading, Material Editor (interpolation: none), Infinite Light Source to set angle, Ray Traced Shadows for sharper lines


Use 24 fps, not 29.9; square pixels (help w/ transform issues)

Check that playback is set to as low as possible; Turn off adaptive resolution

Use Track Matte, Alpha Matte to key items within AE

You can use null objects to “group” other items, can use instead of precomps

Expressions – Hold alt and click on stopwatch

Rotation – time*50 (or other number, make negative to rotate counter clockwise)

Use 3D camera to pull things in/out of focus

Lossless is buggy? Make Template – Edit, set format, output, Back, movie Default to template

Good, standard text animations:

Remember Animate button within text layers