The Complete 2022 WordPress Security Masterclass by Alexander Oni on SkillShare
Use a good web host – Siteground does autochecks for malware, SSL licenses
52% of all wordpress vulnerabilities come from plugins
Only install plugins you need to use now, uninstall ones you’re no longer using
You use SSL in order to use HTTPS
Use a plugin like WPS Hide Login to change the WP back end login URL
Changes from */wp-admin/ to anything you want
Set up 2 factor authentication
Backup, backup, backup
Use a trustworthy one
Restrict IP access
Password protect the WP admin folder
Protect WP config file
Protect your PHP files (contact your host for assistance)
Protect htaccess file
Prevent hotlinking (content is stored on your site/server but can be accessed through sites you don’t own, prevents traffic you can’t benefit from)
Use wordpress security keys
7 signs you’ve been hacked:
- Pop up ads
- Warning email from google
- Warning email from site host
- Suspicious user accounts
- Can’t access through your login info
- Slow loading
- Unusual activity (traffic)
Use the Google Transparency tool (tells you if google thinks your site is safe)
Force users to change their passwords often
Creative Coding: Animating SVG with CSS by Aga Naplocha on SkillShare
SVGs are XML based vector graphics
SVGs have code describing the content
Elements in SVGS can then be edited through CSS code (like you’d edit HTML elements)
Copy content from your SVG code and paste it into html file
In CSS file:
.file-name {
Add styling here
animation-name: identifier;
animation-duration: 300ms;
animation-iteration-count: ;
.class-id (works for idiv elements from svg) {
Add styling here
animation-name: identifier;
animation-duration: 300ms;
animation-iteration-count: ;
/*defining keyframe animation*/
@keyframes identifier (either svg or class-id) {
0% (times are denoted with percentages) {}
30% {}
100% {}