UX Design 1: Overview by Chris Nodder
User centered design is good because it’s typically assumed that collecting data from your users on their habits and wants will encourage them to use the product more often and more efficiently. It can also find a way to add an emotional impact to your products.
Investing time upfront in understanding what users need and want, and what your goals are, the entire team can be on the same page and be on the same track.
Take notes! Then you can always refer back and get anyone new up to speed
You must know who you are designing for, what their problem areas, and how they currently complete tasks
Creating personas gives you a shorthand for different sets of characteristics and needs to work for
Ideation allows you to be able to design by consensus and communicate those ideas
UX Design 2: Analyzing User Data by Chris Nodder
Is a combination of qualitative (why) and quantitative (what) data
Pain points: places of friction between the users and what they’re trying to accomplish with your product
You must collect actionable observations
Remember that you are an observer. Ask for clarification, but do your best to not impact how they work (and skew your data)
Be mindful of observer bias
Affinity Diagram: organizes observations by direct quotes, user goals, user actions, and pain points; try to bunch them by common traits or tasks; try to address disagreements in observations; label your organizational groups and try to sort them chronologically; name activities and sort those chronologically; add questions that your team may have asked (this may suggest you need to do more research)
Quotes are the most valuable pieces of data (because they should be most true)
Have your team vote on what they see as priorities, build goals off of these ranked observations
HTML Essential Training by Jen Simmons
Blockquote <blockquote></blockquote> useful for styling purposes?
Cite: <cite></cite> same as above
Quote: <q></q> will change quotes to match corresponding language
<time></time> <time datetime=”0000:00:00”></time> (must be year, month, date)
<pre></pre> will look at and apply formatting of code within the tags