Wake up with NCA
A lot of admin chatting about how the sessions with credit, how to get certifications, etc.
No nationwide handbook for CACFP operation due to differences between states.
Civil rights training applies to front line workers, but what that might mean in specific can vary from state to state
Whole grain requirement doesn’t apply to snacks at fed level (only once per day to meet min requirement)
USDA CACFP Policy Update
Visual observation removed from civil rights racial/ethnic data.
If someone does not self-identify (which is the preferred method), you can reference other statistic or self-reported based paperwork or mark the person as unidentified
Multiple COVID flexibilities wound down in June of 2023
CORE Resources has app that provides mini lessons
Family Child Care Food Safety Kits include information, resources, tools, and recipes to care centers (like thermometer, hand washing poster, pen, etc.)
Was in testing as of last Summer, could be good to recommend when finished
Farm to School grants are decided in the fall
CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays Training sessions